Nonprofit Pandemic Resources

As we continue to learn more about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and how it’s impacting communities across the country and around the world, the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits has collected updates and resources to help nonprofit organizations take steps to safeguard your employees, operations, and your communities.

Stay Up-to-date on COVID-19

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

World Health Organization (WHO)

General Information and Resources

Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), February 2020 (CDC

Nonprofits and Coronavirus, COVID-19 (National Council of Nonprofits)  Current information and resources that nonprofits can use to prepare and respond

OpenWHO  The World Health Organization’s interactive, web-based, knowledge-transfer platform offering online courses to improve the response to health emergencies

Coronavirus Information and FAQs (Society for Human Resource Management)C

COVID-19: Five Things to Know and Do (Nonprofit Risk Management Center)  Tips to help your organization hone your crisis management skills to offset an infectious disease crisis

CDC Foundation Has COVID-19 Guidelines for Nonprofits (The NonProfit Times)

Get Your Workplace Ready for Pandemic Flu (CDC)  Guidance for workers to help slow the spread of illness and for workplaces to develop new contingency plans or modify existing emergency operations plans that reflect considerations specific to your workplace setting and community

Health and Safety Resources

Protecting Workers During a Pandemic (OSHA)

Pandemic Preparedness in the Workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)  Information about pandemic planning in the workplace

When May Employers Require Workers to Self-Quarantine? (Society for Human Resource Management)  When and where can employers draw the line for workers to stay away from the workplace after travelling

Public Policy Resources

The Charitable Sector: COVID-19 Relief and Economic Stimulus Package (National Council of Nonprofits) Nonprofits nationwide, on behalf of the sector as a whole, sent a letter to legislators requesting a $60 billion infusion of support to help the most vulnerable during this crisis

Business Continuity Resources

Small Business Resilience Toolkit (Facebook)  Framework for organizations that may not have the time or resources to create an extensive plan to recover from business interruptions

No Business Continuity Plan? Take These 4 Steps (Nonprofit Risk Management Center) Quick-start framework to activate when your nonprofit is currently facing an interruption to operations

Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CDC)  Plans, resources, and tools for communicating before, during, and after a public health crisis

Communication Resources

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis Communication Best Practices for Nonprofits (Prosper Strategies)

Coronavirus Crisis Comms Triage Kit (The Communications Network)  Best practices, resources, and examples of effective crisis communications from foundations and nonprofits

Employee Benefits and Human Resources

Health, Wellness and Leave Benefits Help Employees with Coronavirus (Society for Human Resource Management) Ensure employees are using their health, wellness, and leave benefits to stay healthy or recover, and be aware that benefit programs may need tweaked if widespread illness becomes common

Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Workplace: Legal and Regulatory Considerations (HUB International)  Guidance to help employers understand the legal and regulatory considerations associated with responding to illness in the workplace (including but not limited to the Coronavirus)

Coronavirus: Employers Should Plan, Not Panic (Foley & Lardner, LLP)  The extent to which the coronavirus will take hold in the U.S. is unknown, but employers should take steps now to plan ahead so they will be able to maintain normal business operations.

Event Management Resources

COVID-19: Is Your Event Covered? (Professional Convention Management Association)  Make informed decisions regarding meetings and events and communicate appropriately with meeting vendors, attendees, and stakeholders

Key Planning Recommendations for Mass Gatherings in the Context of the Current COVID-19 Outbreak (WHO)

Coronavirus: What You Need to Know About Cancelling an Event and Liability Risks (EventMB)

Interpreting Force Majeure Clauses (Venable LLP)  Knowing how to interpret a force majeure clause will help your organization make informed decisions about whether you will be able to cancel your meeting or event without liability

Financial Resources

Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program  The Small Business Administration in coordination with state governors will provide targeted, low-interest loans to small businesses and nonprofits severely impacted by COVID-19

Coronavirus Tax Relief (Internal Revenue Service)  Updates, statements, and guidance for taxpayers, businesses, and others affected by COVID-19

Fundraising Resources

8 Steps for Successful Fundraising During the Coronavirus Crisis (Amy Eisenstein)

How Nonprofits Can Connect Virtually During Trying Times (Clairification)  Virtual ways nonprofits can connect with supporters

Technology Resources

How to Create an Effective Teleworking Program (Society for Human Resource Management)

Considerations for a Remote Work Policy (Society for Human Resource Management)

Remote Workers and Telecommuting Practices for Nonprofits (National Council of Nonprofits)

Remote Working: Setting Yourself and Your Teams Up for Success (LinkedIn)  Free 16-course e-learning series 

Free or Low-Cost Telecommuting Resources

Nonprofit Resources for Remote Work During the COVID-19 Outbreak (TechSoup)  Resources (most of which are free) that can be implemented relatively quickly and with little to no external IT support

DropBox  Free Dropbox Business and HelloSign Enterprise subscriptions for 3 months to nonprofits focused on fighting COVID-19 

Emergency Remote Work Kits (LogMeIn)  Free, organization-wide use of many LogMeIn products for 3 months

Google  Free access to Hangouts Meet, which allows up to 250 participants and live streaming up to 100,000 viewers per domain, and G-suite until July 1, 2020

Jamm  Free platform for voice and video collaboration for teams working remotely (integrates with Slack)

Loom Video recording and sharing service offering boosts to free service plan, discounted prices on LoomPro, and free access for educational institutions through July 1, 2020

Microsoft 365 Free 6 month trial of Microsoft 365 E1, with web-based Office apps and business services including email, file storage and sharing, meetings, and instant messaging

Quip (Salesforce)  Free use of platform for remote teams to work collectively on documents, spreadsheets, and chat (for current Salesforce users only)

Slack  Free upgrades to paid plans for teams working on coronavirus pandemic research, response, or mitigation

Zoom  Online video and web conferencing platform at a discount for nonprofits through TechSoup

Source: North Carolina Center for Nonprofits